Tag Archives: stand

Standing in Line (or “Queuing”)

4 Aug

Making orderly queues and patiently waiting for your turn seems to be an alien thing for the French. They are above that. Waiting in line is for tourists and foreigners that invade their oh-so-magnificent country to make their lives a little more miserable. Us outsiders are just here to mark the place in the line where they have to cut.

Civilized Iraqui citizens excercising their love for standing in straight lines.

They do it often. At the bank, at the train stations (a hell-hole representing many things I hate about France), even at the bakery. This pastime is not just reserved for old ladies that think they should be served first because they’re old, oh no. Young people do it too, an observation which in turn helps me arrive to the conclusion that this is an ingrained facet of general French culture.

If you say anything to the person committing the offense, they always have an excuse. Example:

(young guy about my age cuts in line in front of me)

Me- Hey buddy, the line is back there! (I point and then push ahead of him)

Him- But my train is about to leave, I need to buy a ticket!

Me- What do you think I was doing standing in line? I was waiting so I could buy a ticket for my train that is also about to leave (AFTER THEY CANCELLED THE LAST ONE).

(guy shrugs)

Probably uncivilized Frogs, and their version of standing in line.

The best part of this example, is that the ticket-seller saw the guy cut in line, and didn’t interfere at any point in this little exchange in order to mediate or make things fair.

I guess they simple don’t care, and consider it to be normal.

I don’t. At all.

That’s something I hate about a France.